Recent temperas (selection)



Since a few years, not being any longer happy with most of the colours (guache paint)
I was using to paint on my hand-made paper, I decided to prepare them myself.
Using earth and rocks, some of them I am also using for my sculptures. And refining them manually.
My relationship to the colours has changed and I try and use pure pigments, mixing them as little as possible.
This way, each earth and rock keeps its character and behaves differently on the brush and paper.
The harmonies of the colours are more natural and delicate.
Often, while painting, my thoughts drift towards the places where I collected the pigments.
The titles of these artworks are, therefore, often toponyms, referring to the origin of the materials used
or to the names given to the different pigments or colours.


Azurit-Okhra 2015-21 / Tempera 59 x 44 cm
Novena-Veneto-Nicosia 2015-14 / 28 x 88 cm. Several variations up to 80 x 240 cm
2 Linee: Siberia-Okhra
10.9.2013-86 / 30 x 64 cm
Variations up to 80 x 200 cm
2 Linee: TerraNicosia-NovenaCarba
7.9.2014-2 / 76 x 194 cm.. Several variations in other sizes
2 Linee: OmbraBruciata-Nicosia 8.9.2014-3 / 78 x 195 cm. Some variations in smaller sizes
2 Linee: Veneto-Novena IV 19.9.2014-8 / 48 x 116 cm. Several variations in other sizes
LapisAzurit-TerraGialla II 19.9.2015-24 / 74 x 100 cm
Veneto-Dalvazza-Azurit 30.7.2015-16 / 80 x 270 cm
Exhibit in Collinasca
Several variations under preparation, also in other sizes
Novena Ocra (Vertical) 15.7.2015-23 / 45 x 60 cm